Overrated/Underrated with J4VV4D

I really like working in Information Security (or Cyber Security if you prefer). It is a fascinating and challenging profession. But i also enjoy the world of economics and am a big fan of NPR Planet Money. Their podcasts are a refreshing change to my usual security podcast rotation. One of my favourite segments is ‘Overrated/Underrated’ where […]

Publication: Economic valuation for information security investment: a systematic literature review

Looks like Information Systems Frontiers – A Journal of Research and Innovation published one of my papers. This one is taking a systematic look at literature related to measuring value of Information Security in organisations. Research on technological aspects of information security risk is a well-established area and familiar territory for most information security professionals. The same […]

Are you ready to respond to a security breach?

As i’m listening to the ‘Ponemon Study: True Cost of a Data Breach‘ webcast on BrightTalk i’m being reminded of the prevalence of data breaches and the fact that many organisations are still not prepared for it. As I’ve already written on this topic for Computer Weekly i’ll just refer back to that article copied below […]